Medium Paintings ranges from 60-89 CM. All are painted with oil paint by Marios Orozco. These painting will only be shipped as they are, if you order to an address in Denmark. If you order to Europe or the rest of the world we will roll the painting up in a tube to be sure that no damage is caused to the painting. If you want it to be shipped without us rolling the painting up, please contact us for further information, risk-taking and price.
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Product categories
- Abstract (2)
- All Paintings (83)
- Big Paintings 90-149 CM (64)
- Christiania (13)
- Christiania's Valhalla (15)
- Christianshavn (3)
- Comicbook (2)
- Copenhagen (21)
- Embroidered Jackets (10)
- Italy (2)
- Knittet by Mom (1)
- Knitwear (Knittet by Mom & Knitted by SIS) (1)
- Medium Paintings 60-89 CM (46)
- Mexico and Cuba (6)
- Musicians (1)
- Nature (9)
- Nyhavn (6)
- OZO Copenhagen (10)
- Political Artworks (4)
- Portraits (21)
- Posters (61)
- Pusherstreet (1)
- SALE (2)
- Small Paintings 0-59 CM (7)
- Still Life (2)
- United States of America (22)
- Very Big Paintings 150-300 CM (9)
- Windowhouse (3)