Shipping Costs

How do we ship the paintings?

When you order a painting with shipping we use different ways of packaching.

– Paintings shipped in Denmark will be shipped as they are, ready to be hung on the wall.

– Paintings shipped International will be taken off of the frame and rolled up in a tube.
We do this to protect the art when being shipped.

We are also able to ship paintings as they are – ready to hang up on the wall – for an extra fee. Please contact us if you would like to have your painting shipped as it is instead of in a tube.
posters in a tube and Clothes will always be packaged in a bobble envelope or a repurposed cartboard-box.


From 50 DKK

  • Orders above 499 DKK has FREE SHIPPING
  • Delivery time 1-4 weekdays
  • The painting will be shipped as it is
  • Ready to be hanged on the wall
  • If you live in Sjælland we will get a driver or GLS to deliver it to you
  • If you live in Fyn, Jylland or other islands we will ship it with GLS or DAO
  • NEW! You can choose to get your painting shipped with DHL Express Domestics but it will be delivered rolled up in a tube
The rest of the world

From 99 DKK

200 Danisk Kroner = 27 Euro

  • Orders above 2999 DKK has FREE shipping
  • Shipping with DHL Express and DHL Global Mail for Posters and Clothing
  • The painting will be taken off the frame and rolled up into a tube

Contact us

If you would like to have your painting shipped as it is, but live in a country where it’s not our standard shipping method, please contact us so we can arrange this with you.
We speak Danish, English, Spanish and Greek.

Phone:    +45 42669980 / +45 42538613